The Bad Guy Wins: Risky strips the heroine of her powers - as she had intended - in the second game, making it Shantae's goal in the third to win them back.Background Boss: The boss of the Golem Mines.Your Charged Attack, while very powerful, takes a long time to charge and is difficult to control.Shantae was only a half-Genie, so the lamp extracted said half and tried to kill her. Artifact of Doom: The Magic Lamp can enslave any genie and force them to become a classic, wish granting genie to whoever holds the lamp, making the genie do anything they want.Animorphism: Shantae can turn into animals in order to access new areas.Animesque: The games' style is interestingly eclectic - like sticking Japanese characters into Disney's version of Aladdin.It's worth noting that Shantae herself gets a much deeper tan in the sequel thanks to Matt Bozon's updated art style. Ambiguously Brown: Although the games are set in an Arabian Nights-inspired world, so perhaps not so ambiguous.Amazing Technicolor Population: Well, aside from a palette-glitching trick that causes NPCs to turn funny colors, Risky Boots is almost as purple as Shantae's hair.All Men Are Perverts: Subverted by an NPC at the Zombie Caravan:.All Girls Want Bad Boys: Gender inverted with Bolo, who despite being Shantae's friend, will actively help her Arch Enemy Risky Boots.Air Vent Passageway: In the final dungeon.Adorable Evil Minion: Risky's Tinkerbat crewmen are kind of cute.Absurdly Spacious Sewer: The Water dungeon definitely has elements of this.

#Shantae sprites rottytops series
Ability Required to Proceed: A staple in the series Shantae will often trek through places where a barrier or lack of access makes it impossible to reach certain areas, requiring her to backtrack once she learns or gains the necessary skill, spell, or weapon.
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